Un osservatorio e uno spazio di riflessione sulla diversità linguistica, non solo italiana, e uno strumento per diffonderne il valore e l'apprezzamento. "31" è il riferimento al numero di lingue censite dall'Unesco sul territorio italiano che sono a rischio estinzione
giovedì 21 giugno 2012
Endangered Languages Project
The Alliance for Linguistic Diversity together with Google, The Linguist List and the University of Hawaii has launched the Endangered Languages Project, a site providing information and documentation about endangered languages conceived as an online collaborative efforts by researchers, students and speakers to document these languages.
lunedì 18 giugno 2012
Language preservation and revitalization through the Internet: the Niue language
Rocket Systems, the internet service provider on Niue, has been awarded a $US10,000 grant to build a website where young and old can work together to create a draft dictionary of IT terminology in Vagahau Niue. This initiative wants to bring together the young people, who are Internet savvy, with the older one, who preserve the culture and the language. This initiative recognizes the powerful role that new technologies can play in language revitalization and preservation: "the Niue language - Vagahau
Niue - will survive only if it is in everyday use" Rocket director Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui says "and this means on
the internet".
What is lost when a language goes silent?
Read this compassionate article by National Geographic about three vanishing languages (Tuvan, Akan and Seri).
venerdì 15 giugno 2012
Lingua sarda: richiesta maggiore tutela
Maggiore tutela della lingua sarda nel testo del disegno di legge di
ratifica della Carta Europea delle lingue regionali e minoritarie: è
quanto richiesto dall'assessore alla Pubblica Istruzione Milia ai
parlamentari sardi. Qui l'articolo relativo all'iniziativa di Milia, e qui il disegno di legge attualmente in discussione.
martedì 12 giugno 2012
An experiment in "crowdmapping" an ethno-linguistic map of the Caucasus
Stanford's linguist Asya Pereltsvaig, together with cartographer Jake Coolidge, is the author of a map of the ethno-linguistic mosaic of the Caucasus region. The method they adopted is particularly interesting, as they used crowsourcing techniques to refine the representation provided by a map obtained rrawing on previously available ethnic and linguistic maps, supplemented by demographic data from other sources: "Despite these achievements, mistakes and imprecisions have crept into these maps, as we expected they might. In order to identify such errors, we turned to “crowdediting”—inspired by the idea of “crowdsourcing”—and welcomed comments and corrections from informed readers, especially those who live in the Caucasus or have done fieldwork there. More than a dozen readers answered our call, writing both in the Disqus comments section and on our Facebook page with corrections, suggestions for amendments, and links to additional maps to draw on."
Cambodia: preservation efforts for the Kuay language
Kuay is a language spoken in Cambodia, Thailand and Laos. It has no writing system and is rapidly losing speakers. Documentation of Kuay is left to initiatives such as the work by linguist Gerard Diffloth, who is trying to preserve the language and the particular historical and technical knowledge of the Kuay ethnic group. This article reports about his efforts.
venerdì 8 giugno 2012
A mathematical model for planning language revitalization programs
According to mathematician Anne Kandler, the rate of loss of a language can be represented by means of a mathematical model, that can actually help in reversing the fate of dying languages by establishing the number of native speakers needed for a stable bilingual population to emerge. Here is the article appeared in the Discover Magazine, here is a link to the scientific article, and here the news as reported by The Scotsman.
Which language for primary instruction?
In Goa, regional languages are being supported by Chief Minister against English as a primary means of instruction in elementary schools. Read the full article here.
Preservation efforts for Mexican indigenous language
Triqui de la baja (trc) is an indigenous language of the Copala region of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico. The language is considered at risk of extinction. This article reports about the efforts for preserving it, and about its value as a precious source of traditional ecological knowledge, as shown by Gloria Moreno. Moreno's knowledge of herbal medicine may get lost as the language struggles to survive and be transmitted to younger generations.
giovedì 7 giugno 2012
Lingua piemontese
Una proposta di legge per incentivare la tutela, la valorizzazione e la promozione del patrimonio linguistico del Piemonte. La notizia qui.
venerdì 1 giugno 2012
Una nuova generazione monolingue in India
In India, paese che accoglie ufficialmente venti lingue diverse, sta crescendo una nuova generazione monolingue. Monolingue inglese. Leggi la storia qui: http://india.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/01/indias-new-english-only-generation/
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